I have been in the entertainment business for 25 years and my clients include McDonalds, General Motors and Palmolive. Thus, it is extremely important that my books are straight, and I avoid any and all difficulties with the IRS. Throughout this time I have used quite a few accounting firms. After finding that I was doing as much work as the accountants and I was still being audited I eventually tried Jiron & Company…and I have never looked back. Since turning to them years ago I have not had a single accounting problem. Furthermore, I know that answers to any questions I may have are only a phone call away. The service is always professional, and the results speak for themselves. I highly recommend them.
Melanie Shapiro
Chief Financial Officer
Eversince we trusted our corporation’s accounting and tax information to JIRON & COMPANY, CPA, PA. our business took off to a new level we didn’t experience before. This decision was a real blessing to us. Julio Jiron and his team of professional consultants have been providing the right financial advice we needed in order to trigger the success and prosperity we all dream of in business. Now, we are following a safe path out of trouble.
Mauricio Hernandez
The Elite Quest, Inc
I will be celebrating my 5th year as a small business and as a client of JIRON & COMPANY. I knew they would be my accounting firm from the first meeting. Besides keeping my books and legal aspect of the company in order; the staff of JIRON & COMPANY have always kept me informed of all the changes in the bylaws that pertain to small businesses, I always receive newsletters, tips, and their outstanding efforts to answer my questions at all times. I rest assured my financials will always be to the very best and that extra more I receive from Mr. Jiron. I truly recommend them and I thank them for all their great guidance and help.
Patti Vargas
“My experience with Mr. Jiron has been exceptional, his company is really professional and very detail oriented. They take tax jobs with seriousness and achive the results we expect. I encourage other physicians to utilize his top-notch services”
Dr. Adolfo Alvino
Adolfo Alvino, MD, PA
We own a pet grooming “Crazy Tails Grooming Salon” and a dog breeding kennel “Lake’s Guardians”. Jiron & Company has been our Accountant firm for the last 5 years. We believe Mr. Jiron has been and continuos being a big asset to our companies and one of the reasons to our success. Jiron & Company has helped us to have control of our assets, expenses, profits and tax related issues. We have not only taken advantage of his accounting expertise but also as a business consultant. Overall we recommend Jiron & Company to anybody who wants a top quality accounting company and we look forward to use his services for many years to come.
Humberto Calvo
Crazy Tails Grooming Salon, Inc
Cuando emprendi la aventura de iniciar una Corporación en los Estados Unidos a finales del año 2009, me encontre con que quizas por ser Venezolano muchas de las personas a las que recurri me negaban información veraz e intentaban hacerme recorrer caminos muy largos y muy costosos, supongo que esa actitud se debia al hecho de que aquellas personas sabian que en mi país natal los procesos de abrir una Corporación son muy burocraticos, prolongados y de gran inversión economica solo para su registro e inicio de operatividad legal. Yo soy profesional de Ingenieria y pequeño empresario en Venezuela y sabia por experiencias previas que los procesos en Estados Unidos son más simples y expeditos, pero debia lograr conseguir a aquella persona que tuviera los conocimientos, capacidad y la moral de guiarme en mi proyecto. Por azar tope mi destino con el Sr. Julio Jiron y su compañia contable y hasta el día de hoy lo unico que lamento es que no nos hallamos conocido mucho antes.
Mi nombre es Luis Carrillo Presidente de Tepuy Group Florida Corp, y me permito recomendarles al Sr. Julio Jiron por su moral, capacidad y gran espirutu de ayuda, valores muy escazos e importantes en estos días.
Luis Carrillo
Tepuy Group Florida Corp
Jiron & Company is a dedicated, knowledgeable, well rounded accounting and tax firm that will help you and your company accomplish all your financial goals. This company is awesome at retaining your hard earn money in your bank accounts.
Dr. Rodrigo Romano
La produccion para TV es un mundo de fantasia, pero detras de camaras, esta lleno de gastos inusuales, cosas intangibles y un manejo de las finanzas que no cualquiera puede llevar. Jiron & Company, CPA, PA. es la firma de contadores que cuenta con el conocimiento necesario para ayudarme a tener mis libros en orden, En momentos cuando surgen dudas es bueno poder contar con un profesional que esta al alcance de solo una llamada telefónica.
El conocimiento, El servicio y el profesionalismo vale cada dolar invertido.
Charlie Cartaya
En verdad desde que trabajo con Julio y su maravilloso equipo….mi vida de oficina se ha simplificado en todos los asuntos de contabilidad y mucho mas. La profesionalidad, cortesía, y trato personal son características con las que describo a mi CPA. Lo recomiendo a todo el mundo, y siempre recibo las gracias de parte de la gente que les envío. Que mas puedo decir? “Excelente”
Dr. Hernan Quintero
Jiron & Company, CPA, PA é altamente recomendável para qualquer pessoa que necessite orientação e representação no processo de contabilidade. Julio Jiron é um pessoa de extrema confiança, experiente, e honesta. Definitivamente uma pessoa de ética e um excelente profissional.
Sou cliente de Jiron & Company, CPA, PA há 3 anos e posso dizer que nao deixaria a minha contabilidade nas mãos de mais ninguém.
Melissa Falconi
Criarte Online
Los servicios profesionales de Mr. Julio Jiron y su compañia han significado todo un éxito para nuestra empresa Cake Art, LLC. Desde el comienzo de nuestra relación comercial hemos sido asesorados y asistidos de una manera integra e impecable, lo que hace del Sr. Jiron merecedor de nuestra confianza y recomendación.
Mario y Ana Maria Yerak
Since becoming a client of Jiron & Company, he has taken away the hassle of running the business side of my practice. I used to get bogged down with the accounting and Julio has changed all that. He is not only a great accountant, but also a wonderful business consultant. Julio does a great job of keeping my books in order and has a great knowledge of the tax code. Most importantly, he takes the necessary time to make sure that everything is in order and goes above and beyond what is expected to help you achieve your goals. I definitely recommend Jiron and Company to any dentist in need of great accounting services.
Anthony Alonso Jr., D.M.D.
Endodontix Dental Group, P.A.
Creo no tener palabras para agradecer el día en que Papa Grande Records decidió iniciar nuestros servicios con Jirón & Company. En verdad recomiendo sus servicios ya que están altamente capacitados para trabajar y manejar libros corporativos tanto como personales. El equipo de trabajo altamente capacitado y súper profesionales. Jirón & Company siempre están dispuestos a ayudarnos a cualquier hora del día y dispuestos a responden nuestras dudas y preocupaciones. El Sr. Julio Jirón también es nuestro contable personal y creo que eso lo dice todo. Lo más importante en todo esto es que tienen un equipo en el cual se puede confiar. El Sr. Jirón es una persona que siempre le habla y le hablara con la verdad. Es una persona que no trata ni tratara de tapar el sol con un dedo. Muchos contables te ponen gastos de más con el objetivo de sacarle más dinero al IRS pero el día que le lleguen auditorias y tengan que buscar recibos de comprobantes que nunca existieron pobre del que de dejo convencer porque le tocara pagar el doble y tengan cuidados no el triple. Como describe Papa Grande Records a Julio Jirón? Persona leal y amante a su trabajo, lo escucha atentamente y busca siempre la manera de cómo ayudar dándole respuestas concretas y efectivas. Buena vibra, buena actitud, maravillosa persona, excelente equipo de trabajo, excelente servicios y es considerado parte de nuestra familia
Les recomiendo los servicios contables de Jiron & Company a una corporacion o individuo que estén en busca de una firma de contabilidad confiable.
Yanin A. Acosta
Papa Grande Records, LLC
Office Manager/Public Relations
6355 NW 36 Street, Suite 503
Virginia Gardens, FL 33166
When it comes to taxes and federal regulations Julio and his staff are very knowledgeable and organized, timely filing and accurate numbers. I highly recommend Jiron & Company CPA to be always in good standing with the IRS, State and Local Government. After a few years keeping my books with Julio, he has become my friend… and best source for tax and financial consultant.
Ronald Sabalza
Transportation Specialist
A little over a year ago, Julio Jiron became my accountant while I was living out of the country. Although I was a little hesitant about the process of finding a new accountant while living overseas; Julio and his team always manage to clear all my doubts and fears!
He is a extremely careful and detail oriented. He managed to complete my personal taxes in a timely and honest matter. I trust his judgement and value his recommendations! He has proved that he is willing to go the distance to help in other matters more than just taxes. His team is exemplary and completely trustworthy!! I would highly recommend Julio and his team.
Olga Lopez
Get Back-up Sociedad Anonima, Inc